No-one can deny that renting your home can be a profitable and worthwhile thing to do.
It is also true that as the private rental market expands, landlords are faced with ever increasing legislation, regulations and obligations.
One of the key benefits a good agent offers its landlords is to simplify the process of letting your
property and ensure you comply with all the rules.
With our Primary Tenancy™, Insight Lettings goes one step further and offers landlords the ultimate
in simplicity and peace of mind.
Instead of acting just as your agent, with a Primary Tenancy™ Insight Lettings becomes your tenant and we sublet your property for a profit rather than a commission. By becoming your tenant, we are providing you, our Landlord, with more privacy, protection and peace of mind.
For example, we are not obliged to hand your contact details to our sub tenants and in the event of a problem with our sub tenants we can undertake enforcement action against them without your involvement. Even better we offer this option at no cost to you!
For more information on this innovative approach, please complete the form below.